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On Site Heroes

On Site Heroes and Vacaid

Have you ever been on holiday in a poor country and then experienced the feeling of powerlessness? With Vacaid, it is possible to help on site to the extent you want with your skills. You can do this in different areas where we make a difference. You come back from your holiday rested but also with a feeling that with your presence you have made a difference and contributed to positive change.


Contact us and tell us more about yourself and we will agree on a suitable place and number of days. Helping on site in Gambia provides the opportunity to experience the benefits of the help yourself and provides the opportunity to be able to follow up your contribution on a personal level.

Vacaid as a private person

If you have expertise in healthcare, psychiatry, school, you can experience what it is like in Gambia on the spot. Through Vacation-aid, you can help a voluntary number of days on your holiday with the relevant skills you have in the sectors in which we operate. If you have other skills that may be needed, you are welcome to help with that as well. If you want to stay for a longer stay at e.g. a hospital, you are welcome to contact us for more information.

Vacaid as a company

Here you as a company can help us on site if you are in Gambia. We give you the opportunity to help with your professional skills and train Gambian staff but also work in the field. This can apply to renovations, help with water projects and solar panels, but also assist with other skills such as nurse, midwife, doctor, psychologist / psychotherapist, teacher, plumber, painter, carpenter, etc.


Individually or in groups, a company can go down specifically to contribute its skills from training Gambian staff to working in the field. If your company is a healthcare company, you can contribute staff such as ambulatory rural doctors / nurses. If, for example, you have expertise in the construction sector, you are welcome to help renovate hospitals and small clinics by rebuilding or repainting.


Partner companies, a doctor / nurse / midwife can work at any of the existing hospital facilities. Here, your company can help pay for travel and subsistence for one to several people who can work down in Gambia for 1-4 weeks. Offer services to various institutions


Below you can see the donations you can make as På Plats-Hjälte at Give back. Visit the webshop for the opportunity to sort!


Organisationen Give back 802524-2994  |  Konto 8327-9 704 108 368-9  |  BG 5647-1634 Swedbank  |  Swish 123 342 32 25

Tel. +46 (0)8 - 444 93 88   |

© 2021 Give back

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